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  • Trial and enrolment are welcome for the first 3 classes of a new term.

  • The trial class fee will be waived if enrolment is made on the day of trial.

  • Trial lessons are subject to approval of Training Ground HK in consideration of class situations, availability, wait-list, etc.

  • Registration form must be submitted to complete registration.

  • Training Ground HK will contact you via WhatsApp once we receive your application.


  • Course fee is non-refundable and non-transferrable.

  • Full payment must be made before the first day of the new term.

  • Payment via all major credit cards & PAYME.

  • For CREDIT CARD payment, you MUST download our app "TrainingGroundHK" via IOS app store or google play store.

Make-up class

  • Please let us know in advance by WhatsApp if you are unable to attend the lesson.

  • No make-up class will be arranged for any absence without prior notice.

  • Rescheduling or cancellation must be made 24 hours prior to the time of class except sick leave supported by medical proof.

  • One make-up class can be done for each term.

  • Make-up class is subject to approval of Training Ground HK in consideration of class situations, availability, wait-list, etc.

Class Change

  • Student must remain in the same course until end of the term.

  • 7 days prior notice is required to class change.

  • An administration fee of $500 will be settled on the arrangement.

  • Class change is subject to approval of Training Ground HK in consideration of class situations, availability, wait-list, etc.

  • We frequently assess each child’s ability and modify the class level as needed. This results in progressive learning for your child.

Terms Break

  • We will follow general holidays published by the HKGOV.

Bad Weather Arrangement

  • Typhoon No. 1 or / Amber Rainstorm warning:

Classes will continue as normal unless the studio announces closure of all classes due to considerable risk to children.

  • Typhoon No. 3 or No. 8 or above / Red or Black Rainstorm warning:

Classes will be suspended.

Classes will resume if the signal is lowered to Typhoon No. 1 / Amber or lifted 2 hours before class.

Duty of care, safety & conduct

  • Please be aware that due to the nature of dance and for your child's growth, development and safety it will be necessary at times to engage in physical contact with your child. This will always be done in an appropriate manner and with your son or daughter's best interests in mind.

  • The Training Ground HK provides for the safety and care of students whilst on the premises.

  • The Training Ground HK does not accept responsibility for student’s safety outside the premises.

  • All students and guardians acknowledge that while every care and safety measure will be taken, there is an inherent risk of personal injury in physical activities that will be undertaken at the studio as part of the programme and accept that risk.



  • The Training Ground HK does not accept responsibility for the damage or loss of goods left on the premises prior to, during or after dance classes.

  • The student and their guardian are solely responsible for their personal belongings and property whilst left on the premises.


Photos and videos

  • From time to time we will take photos and videos of students in class.

  • By enrolling your child in Training Ground HK you acknowledge that photos and videos may be taken in class.

  • The Training Ground HK may also take photos for advertising purposes to be used on social media, websites and print. We will only ever use photos of your child provided we have your prior consent.

  • You may withdraw consent at any time by written notice to management.

  • We reserve the right to request no photos or videos be taken by parents in class.


  • All participants enrolled in activities at Training Ground HK do so at their own risk and the company is not responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to students, their family members, and guests as a result of participating in these activities

  • These terms and conditions are subject to change at any time without prior written notice from Training Ground HK.

  • These terms and conditions apply to regular kids courses and classes at Training Ground HK only.

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